Full name: Hans Langouche / Home office: Leuven / At Wieni since: 2017 / Wieni ID #42
In essence I am a developer at Wieni. In general I use Symfony and Drupal, but when necessary I extend my toolset for the task at hand.
I develop the backend part of web applications, following the "Wieni way", with a focus on performance and usability. But Wieni would not be Wieni if the job would stop there. There is plenty of room for experimentation and learning. I regularly play around with AWS, Lambda services in Node.js, API development, dashboard integrations,...
I had an instant connection with Wieni for several reasons. The flexible way of working allows me to maintain a healthy work-life balance. That is not always that easy with kids. The atmosphere is pretty darn good. Lots of fun people. Your personal growth path is followed and altered when necessary - in a constructive way. The many side events gel the team together quite well.
I increased the average age by 4 or 5 years, all by myself. At the beginning, my experience with Drupal 7 was my biggest asset. But as we moved forward, that knowledge is not used that much nowadays. I am a hero when it comes to patterns and structures, reorganising code to make it not only performant but also scalable and readable. For me that feels like playing with Lego.