
Give Play Media a competitive edge in the media market through GoPlay, a next-level streaming platform.

  • Interactive Tools that allow fans to engage with their favourite shows like De Mol, Dancing With The Stars, Big Brother & De Slimste Mens ter Wereld
  • An Elastic Cloud Infrastructure built to scale and guarantee 100% availability
  • A Personalised Viewer Experience based on user profiles & user data
  • A Branded Videoplayer wrapped around THEO technologies
  • API’s for Smart TV & mobile apps
  • Injection of Pre-roll & Mid-roll video ads 
  • Digital Rights Management to prevent video content piracy
  • A Content Management System to manage an extensive video content library, offer gated content and geofencing
“The strong growth we have achieved online is largely due to the high-performance platform and the smooth collaboration we have built up with Wieni.”

Wim Staelens




Play Media

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